Pierce County Elections received a declaration of write-in candidacy from Cameron Severns, who filed as a Democrat for the 25th Legislative District, State Representative Position
No. 2. Under RCW 29A.24.311, candidates may declare themselves as a write-in candidate up to 8 p.m. on election night. Candidate Severns submitted his declaration on Aug. 1,
Primary election write-in candidates who receive at least 1% of the total votes cast and are the second-most vote getter will appear on the general election ballot and be included in
the printed Voters’ Pamphlet and Online Voters’ Guide.
Results of the 2022 primary election show that Cameron Severns received enough votes to proceed to the 2022 general election. Severns will face Republican candidate Cyndy
Jacobsen, who was previously unopposed.
Jacobsen received 20,277 votes while Severns received 525 votes. You can view the statewide election results at sos.wa.gov. For more information about write-in candidates, see
the Secretary of State fact sheet at sos.wa.gov/elections/candidates/write-in-candidacy.aspx
Original source can be found here.